Tuesday, January 21, 2014

50 States; 50 Meals: New Hampshire

For New Hampshire we went all maple syrup.  It was very delicious but by the end of the meal I was maple syrup'ed out.

What's not to love about having breakfast for dinner?  We had some texas toast in the house after making Hot Browns with some leftover Christmas turkey so I made french toast.  (As I write this the Throwdown with Bobby Flay: Hot Brown is on Food Network.)  To go with the french toast I made Maple Syrup Apples.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't using the famous New Hampshire apples but they were good nonetheless.  Some of us put the apples on the french toast and some put them on the side.  Either way they were very good AND easy to make.

French Toast        Maple Apples        French Toast and Apples

For dessert we had Maple Syrup and Snow Candy.  This apparently is very popular in New Hampshire.  Lucky for us it happened to snow that day.  I had the girls get two big bowls of snow before it turned to ice and rain.  We stored the snow in the freezer until it was time for dessert.  Two big mixing bowls turned out to be enough for a family of four.  It's pretty cool.  The syrup hardens once it touches the snow.  We did not finish by eating pickles or saltines as the recipe suggests but I do see why they make the suggestion.  After the french toast, apples and snow I was ready for a different taste.

Snow and Maple Syrup

Next up: We're getting on the turnpike and heading to Jur-zee.


  1. My home state! Loved putting maple syrup on snow as a kid! :)

  2. I have a huge bottle if you want to make some.


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