Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What are we having for dinner?: June 15 - June 20

We made it through recital week.  We had a lot of Wawa subs but we did it!  And now we get a week off.

Here's what we are having for dinner this week:


Sunday: Father's Day Meal! Steak, Wedge Salad, Roasted Red Potatoes

Monday: Chicken Parmesan Casserole with Green Salad
Recipe from emily bites a fellow Wegmans shopper apparently.

Tuesday: Homemade Pizza
Wegmans 16in crust, pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni
I buy the 16in so we can have left overs for lunch.

Wednesday: Hot Dogs; Sausage with Peppers and Onions

Thursday: Loco Moco
Get the recipe here

Friday:  Spaghetti with Wegmans Pesto

Hubby said something about going out to eat so...




1 comment:

  1. lol at Saturday. I should have stayed Father's Day. I love a wedge salad occaisionally! hahaha. xxoooxxxoo.


