Sunday, August 30, 2015

Meal Plan: August 30th - September 5th

We had the best first week back to school and dance. This year I got super organized and printed out a morning routine and afternoon schedule for the girls. They love knowing to do and feel included in the plans. I love that everything is out of my head. I don't have the list of things to do constantly scrolling through my head. I don't feel like I am constantly barking out orders and they are less overwhelmed by me constantly listing everything out loud. Everyone is calm and happy.

As always, meal planning is another thing we do to keep things simple in the house.
This is what we are having this week:

Sunday: Apricot Glazed Chicken with Wild Rice and Sautéed Zucchini & Yellow Squash
Chicken recipe from Cooking Light

Monday: Quinoa Fried Rice with Chicken and Pineapple Skewers
Fried Rice recipe from Skinnytaste
Skewers recipe from Fixate

Tuesday: Grilled Sausages and Homemade Chips

Wednesday: Baked Potato and Salad

Thursday: Veggie Noodles from Barilla and Fixate Sauce
KidFresh Mac and Cheese and Chicken Nuggets for my oldest.  She has an hour break and eats up her own dinner.  Last week she and her BFF showed up with the Mac and Cheese.  (Don't tell them there are carrots in there.)

Friday:  Left over sausages.
Going to our first High School Football game!! Go Patriots!

Saturday: Celebrating two friends wedding

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Quick Snack: Cinnamon Raisin Yogurt

This has become one of my favorite snacks. It reminds me of an oatmeal raisin cookie.
Mix together the ingredients below:
6oz Plain Greek Yogurt
1-2 oz Agave
1.5 tbsp raisins

21 Day Fix Challenge Group

Busy Moms! In need of more energy to juggle everything? You are going to think I am crazy; but, I am asking you to add one more thing to To Do list. 
Exercise helps you to gain energy, improve your mood, get better sleep and feel more confident. 21 Day Fix makes that all obtainable with daily 30 minute workouts. 
Change your relationship with food using the easy to follow nutrition plan and portion controlled container system.
Bring it all together by drinking Shakeology. A daily dose of simple nutrition that helps to reduce hunger and food cravings; includes antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals; helps with the effects of stress (perfect for the busy school year) and helps with healthy digestion. I love the chocolate. 
The best part is you don't have to do this on your own. I have a group starting on September 14th. The group offers support and accountability. We will be cheering each other on as we meet our goals.
30 minute workouts. Easy to follow Meal Plan. Accountability. Support.
Send a me a message with the Subject: I am ready! I will contact you with on how to get started. Take care of you! No one else can.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Meal Plan: August 23rd - August 29th

It's a school night for us!  Summer is officially ending.  The busy schedule is upon us and I'm ready!  I spent the weekend organizing, planning, making To Do lists, planned for packing lunch boxes, and, of course, meal planned!  We are back to easy, fast, healthy weekday meals. Below is a look at our schedule for this week so you can get a feel for how I plan our dinners and my workouts. I will add that I do carpool to and from dance and have Hubs to help with dinner.

Here is what we are having for dinner this week:

Sunday: Dinner Out

Monday: Tuna Melts
I will be trying the 21 Day Fix Tuna Recipe in the Fixate cookbook.
  1. Brown muffins in toaster or broiler oven.
  2. Make your Tuna Salad
  3. Top each muffin with tuna with cheese. I use slices of cheddar or muenster.  
  4. Broil 5 inches from heat until cheese melts and is a little bown.

Tuesday: Cleaned up Walking Tacos
No Doritos.  This time I'm using a multi grain tortilla chip with some added spices.

Wednesday:  Chicken Parmesan Casserole
Recipe from Emily Bites using Fixate Grandma's Sauce

Thursday:  Grilled Cheese and Tomato Basil Soup
Soup recipe from Fixate

Friday: Subway

Saturday: Grilled Burgers with Smashed Avocado

Saturday, August 22, 2015

There Are No Coincidences.

A few weeks ago I posted about a surgery I had in the winter to remove atypical cells. Last week I met with my doctor and two screening and prevention nurses. One nurse explained to me that because of my diagnosis my risks for getting breast cancer have increased, 25% chance in my lifetime. She then proceeded to explain to me that staying at a low weight with exercise and a healthy diet will keep my risks down, especially when I reach menopause age. I almost started the doing the ugly cry. The timing of me starting my fitness journey and deciding to become a Beachbody coach was not lost on me. I already knew that starting the 21 Day Fix program was a lifestyle change but I'm definitely a lifer now! There are no coincidences! God is good!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Back to School Accountability Group

I saw so many friends start a workout program this summer. I hate to see it come to an end. Don't stop working towards your goals once the kids go back to school and the activities start up again. Join me for 2 weeks on August 31st and together we will keep up the good work. Walking, running, going to the gym, at home workouts... what ever you love to do. This group is all about motivation and accountability. Are you in?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

MexiKale Salad

Inspired by Wegmans

I loved this salad idea from Wegmans but I wanted to use some ingredients that I knew my family would enjoy.  This salad makes a ton making it great for a cookout or potluck.  The salad dressing is light and refreshing.  Great for hot summer days.  

You could also add chicken for a full meal.


1/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup EVOO
1/4 cup honey
1 green onion, sliced

1 - 16oz bag of Kale
1.5 cup frozen corn, thawed
1 can of black beans, drained
1 red pepper, chopped
1/2 cup red onion, chopped
4oz Monterey Jack Cheese, cut into small cubes


  1. Puree lime juice, olive oil, honey, and onion in blender. Season with salt.
  2. Toss kale, corn, black beans, red pepper, red onion, half the cheese, and dressing in large bowl. Garnish with remaining cheese.
If you are making ahead, do not add any cheese until you are ready to serve.  Make sure to toss the salad before serving as the dressing will settle to the bottom.  

Servings: Between 12 -24

Monday, August 17, 2015

Meal Plan: August 16th - August 22nd

One more week until school starts!  Are you ready or sad to see Summer come to an end?  Maybe a little of both?  I'm ready for a stead routine.  Every week this summer we were having to figure out a different schedule.  This week my youngest has dance camp in the afternoons so dinners are being planned around that.

Here is what we are having for dinner this week:

Sunday: Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Chicken
We were supposed to have this last week but found ourselves with one kid at dance and another at a play date. Not sure what magical world we entered that evening. The recipe reminds me of the Chicken, Broccoli and Cheddar Hot Pocket but way better, of course. My youngest even ate her chicken without complaint.Recipe from Fixate
.5 red, .5 green, .5 yellow1 blue, .5 tsp

Monday: Turkey Meatballs with Zoodles
This will be the girls first time trying zoodles. I'm interested in seeing what they thing. They like zucchini but I'm not sure if they will buy it as a noodle.
Recipe from Fixate
2.5 green1 red1 blue

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday!
Made with soft corn tortillas baked in the oven to crisp up.
Taco Meat Recipe from Fixate
1 green, 1 red, 1 blue, 2 yellow

Wednesday: Chicken and Rice Casserole
This recipe includes, chicken, rice, zucchini and yellow squash
Recipe from Cooking Light
1 green1 red1 yellow

Thursday: Pesto Grilled Cheese Panini w/ Tomato Basil Soup
Sandwich Recipe is here
Soup Recipe is from Fixate

Friday: Chinese Take Out Made at Home: Chicken and Broccoli
Recipe inspired by Skinnytaste's Beef and Broccoli

Saturday: MexiKale Salad
We are attending a church picnic.  This salad makes a ton so it is perfect.  
Recipe will be on the blog soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Meal Plan: August 9th - August 16th

Well we are heading back into the crazy dance schedule season.  The next two weeks each daughter has company camp with long rehearsal nights.  Time to get my mad organizational skills out for my workout and dinner times.

This is what we are having for dinner this week:

Sunday:  Turkey Tenderloin, Corn on the Cob and Grilled Zucchini and Squash 

1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow

Monday:  Chicken Parm with Broccoli 
Recipe from Fixate
I made extra chicken when we had the Chicken and Waffles for dinner.
1 red, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1/2 orange, 3.5 tsp

Tuesday: Cheeseburgers with Salad

1 red, 1.5 green, 1 blue (with bun 2 yellow)

Wednesday: Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Chicken
Recipe from Fixate
.5 red, .5 green, .5 yellow, 1 blue, .5 tsp

Thursday: Egg Roll in a Bowl
Recipe here
1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 tsp

Friday: Spaghetti with Chicken and Pesto and Cauliflower
Hubs will be doing a 32 mile bike ride for the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday so we are going to carb him up.

1 red, 1 green, 2 yellow, 1 blue

Saturday: Dinner Out
Race Day and Back to School shopping Day.  I think dinner out will be best.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wawa Kale and Quinoa Salad

For those that may not know, Wawa is a convenience store/gas station in the East Coast.  They make awesome subs and have great coffee.  I first discovered this salad when we were heading home from a dance competition.  I was hungry but not in the mood for a sub.  So I walked over to the cold case to see what I could find and, too my surprise, saw the Kale and Quinoa salad.  I wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be so delicious.  It is so good that I now crave it and try to angle for Wawa stops during our summer travels.  Sadly, the last time we went they were out so I looked around my kitchen to see if I could make it myself.

Serving:1 person


1/2 cup quinoa, cooked and cooled
1/2 cup apple, chopped
1/2 cup yellow pepper, chopped
1 Tbsp dried cranberries
2 Tbsp goat cheese, crumbled
1 cup baby kale or regular kale cut to bite sized pieces
2 Tbsp Champagne Vinaigrette (Recipe at

Note: If your grocery store has a bulk food section, like Wegmans, buy the cranberries out of the bin.  They are juicer than the pre-bagged kind, like craisins.

Note 2:  You can add rotisserie or baked chicken for protein. 

  1. In your dish layer the ingredients in the following order: quinoa, apples, peppers, cranberries, goat cheese, kale.
  2. Top with dressing if eating immediately.  If eating later, add the dressing right before.
1.5 green, 1/2 purple, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue, 1 orange (1 red, if you add chicken)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Meal Plan: August 2nd - August 8th

My girl's are back home!  It was nice to spend some one on one time with hubs but I love having the girls in the house.  It's so lively.  So much fun craziness and laughter.  My Fixate cookbook came after they left to visit their grandparents so I brought it with me.  My girls have been on the 21 Day Fix journey with me since day 1.  They are big Autumn Calabrese fans so I wanted to keep them on the journey with by helping me meal plan with their favorites from the book.  This cookbook is awesome!  I haven't even tried the snacks yet!!

This is what we are having for dinner this week:

Sunday:  We ordered pizza after a long drive home

Monday:  Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
We are going to need a quick dinner after some after work grocery shopping and other appointments.

Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner - Chicken and Waffles
When I told Hubs that it was rumored that the new cookbook was going to have a chicken and waffles recipe he was in.  Never did I think my 9 year old would be all over it too.  She made us wait until she got back to make this recipes.
Recipe from Fixate
2 yellow, 1.5 red, 1/2 blue, 1 orange, 1 tsp

Wednesday: Turkey Sloppy Joes served over whole-grain bread
Recipe from Fixate
3.5 green, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp, GF

Thursday: Steak Fajitas
Recipe from Fixate
1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 tsp, GF
The leftovers will be perfect on a salad.

Friday: Make your own Easy Pizza
Recipe from Fixate
1/2 green, 2 yellow, 1 blue, VG

Saturday: Grilling
What is your favorite thing to grill?