Thursday, April 11, 2013

50 States; 50 Meals: Colorado

The moment finally happened where I knew as soon as I saw it I wasn't going to like this states dinner. Remember last week when I said I didn't like eggs. Well this week was all about the Denver Omelet. It was the top of everyone's list so I knew I had to make it. BUT... I didn't have to eat it! So I also planned on making Colorado Green Chili, also known as Chili Verde. I had a Daisy meeting this week so I prepped the pork shoulder and my hubby did the cooking. It smelled soooo good when we walked back in the house.
So what makes it a "Denver" omelet? It is kind of a gross story that I made sure to share with the family as they were half way done. Haha. During dinner we talk about the story behind the dish and information about the state so I had to really. ;). Settlers would bring eggs to Colorado by wagon, and the eggs would often spoil in the process. To cover up the bad taste, cooks would add onions, peppers and ham. You could also serve the omelet on bread and then it becomes the Denver Sandwich. They have great food namers in Colorado, don't they. Lucky for us, we had fresh farm eggs delivered by the Egg Man. (Another original name)
For this recipe I went to my tried and true Betty Crocker Cooking Basics cookbook. This was my first cookbook and I still refer to it often.
Check out my omelet making skills. The one on the left is meant to show you what was in the egg and not at all a fail at folding the egg.

Denver Omelet

The Chili Verde was very delicious. The girls were grossed out that it was green but after one taste they asked for a bowl of their own. The taste reminded me of salsa verde. I used to take green salsa in my lunch when I was in school and all my friends would look at me like I was disgusting. What is with kids and green food? The picture doesn't really help my case but I highly recommend taking a break from red chili and go green.

Chili Verde

Next Week: Connecticut

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