Saturday, May 4, 2013

50 States; 50 Meals: Delaware Part 2

No one suggested it as being a top Delaware food, but knowing that there are many Scrapple plants in Delaware I had to cook it too.  Scrapple is a controversial food because of what it is made out of.  If you don't know don't Google it.  But if you have been raised on it you don't care what it was made of because you love it too much.  I really think that if they had given it another name it wouldn't have the bad wrap it does.  Think about it, people love sausage and that it wrapped in intestine lining.  I bet if sausage had been called stuffed intestine lining it wouldn't be as popular.

My kids loved it!  I told them it was a cousin to sausage which they love.  My oldest liked it so much she had me cook up some more.  If anyone tells them what it made of I will hunt you down.  I'm thrilled they are following our family tradition of loving scrapple.  It is something I look forward to after coming home from Black Friday shopping in Delaware.  My aunt buys the good stuff not that Napa stuff.

I was so excited that Wegmans also offered Habbersett Scrapple.  It is a Philadelphia company but the plant is in Delaware.

I found a recipe on Cooking Channel's website with some not so scary ingredients if you want to try making your own.

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