Saturday, April 6, 2013

50 States; 50 Meals: California

Finally done with the A's! This week we traveled out west for California Cobb Salads. This is one of my favorite salads and I usually order one of I see it on the menu. My friends laugh at me because I usually order it without the egg because I'm not a fan of the egg. They tell me that is the point of a Cobb Salad but for me it the avocado is the star.
Speaking of eggs... How cool was it that I needed hard boiled eggs the week of Easter?!

When searching for the traditional recipe, I discovered there was quite a bit of history behind this popular salad. In 1937, Bob Cobb created this salad one night while looking for a snack in his restaurant, the Brown Derby. Cobb just threw together items he found in his refrigerator for he and his friend, Sid Grauman (of Grauman's Chinese Theater). The next day Mr. Grauman came back to the restaurant to order the "Cobb Salad" and it was then put on the menu.
I love that story because I have turned many leftovers into salad toppings. Leftover roasted broccoli is one of my favs to include in a salad the next day for lunch.
I made each of us our own individual salads. As I was making them my husband noticed that no one was going to have a true Cobb Salad. He doesn't like tomatoes, our girls didn't like the blue cheese and I don't like eggs. So I took one for the team and added a small bit of egg to my salad. (It has to be right for the picture, right?) It actually wasn't that bad once it was all mixed together.
For the girl's salads I substituted cubes of a cheddar cheese stick for the blue cheese and added grapes. They liked it so much they didn't even use dressing! Whaaat!?

Click here for the story and recipe

How do you eat your Cobb Salad? Mix it all together or at each section separately? 3 out of 4 us were mixers.

Next up - Colorado

1 comment:

  1. mikie1254@gmail.comApril 6, 2013 at 7:34 PM

    You really are adorable. And good at the blogging thing!

