Thursday, March 14, 2013

50 States; 50 Meals: Alaska

I'm sure that Alaska eats more than salmon and king crab legs but that is what I kept finding when searching for our Alaska menu. I did learn that they grow blueberries but completely forgot to incorporate them. I also forgot the sourdough bread. Can you say busy week!

Alaska Menu:
Sesame Soy Skewered Salmon - we loved the marinade in this recipe. I had seen another recipe that skewered the salmon. I stole that idea to make dinner a little more kid friendly.

Honey Roasted Carrots

White Rice


And as promised my version of a Baked Alaska that I was able to make for around 130 calories!
Deconstructed Baked Alaska - I love that term!
1 scoop Turkey Hill Neapolitan Frozen Yogurt (about 1/4cup)
1 slice (1/10 loaf) Sarah Lee Free and Light Pound Cake
2 Meringue Cookies


1 comment:

  1. mikie1254@gmail.comMarch 14, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    Love it! Where is next?

    We need to talk about Easter. If possible we need to get together w/ my dad.

